Thrive! Committees: Call for Nominations

Author: Thrive!

Thrive! is pleased to announce openings on each of our committees: Communications, Engagement, Mentoring, and Professional Development & Networking, as well as the Thrive! Ambassadors group. We invite all members to consider nominating themselves for one or more of these roles.

Leadership positions in Thrive! allow you to play a tangible role in enhancing the environment for women at Notre Dame while developing your own leadership skills in a low-risk, supportive environment. You will have the opportunity to build your network outside of your working group as well as gain exposure to speakers and campus leaders. Committees also offer a place to learn and demonstrate skills you may not have the opportunity to use in your current position.

If you are interested in a committee opportunity, please complete the Thrive! Self Nomination Form by April 10, 2020. If you know someone who would be great, encourage her to apply too! Committee positions are one-year terms beginning July 1; members may serve up to three consecutive terms.

The selection of the Thrive! Committees will be administered by the Thrive! Officers and Steering Committee Chair, with the University's diversity statement in mind.

Decisions will be announced by mid-May to give new, continuing, and outgoing committee members an opportunity to work together on transition planning.